St Patrick's School



Amherst St
Katanning WA 6317
T: (08) 9820 8100




St Patrick's School




The school uniform identifies the individual as belonging to the whole. It should be worn neatly, correctly and with pride, reflecting the respect that it symbolises.

All parents are expected to support the St Patrick’s Student Uniform Policy and ensure their child/ren are correctly attired for each school day. Should your child be out of uniform for a particular reason, please inform their class teacher via Class Dojo, the school diary or a note.

Grey shirts are to be tucked in and shoes kept polished. School hats are compulsory all year round when outside as the school has committed to a “No Hat, No Play” policy. Children are not permitted to borrow hats and must remain in shaded areas during break times should they forget one. The sports uniform is to be worn correctly on the specified days (see bottom of page). All items of clothing must be clearly marked with the student’s name on the inside or underneath of the item, so as not visible on the uniform.

Hair should be clean, neat and tidy with long hair tied back firmly from the face. Fringes should not be hanging down in front of the eyes. Students with fringes hanging down over their eyes will be asked to clip it back. Hairbands, hair ties and ribbons must be either blue, yellow, black or white. They must not be extreme in size. Flowers and other arrangements are not permitted. Extreme hairstyles, number one all over, coloured or dyed hair, shaved lines and patterns are not permitted. Cultural hairstyles may be approved following a discussion with the Principal.

Jewellery is confined to a watch and earrings. Smartwatches i.e. Apple Watch and Fit Bit’s may be worn, however, students must agree to the acceptable use of ICT policy. Religious or medical jewellery must be worn under clothing. If earrings are worn, they are limited to plain studs or sleepers and no more than one pair may be worn at a time. Necklaces, bracelets and rings (including signet rings) are not to be worn. The school does not take responsibility for accidents that occur as a result of wearing jewellery or for the loss of any jewellery.

Students are not permitted to wear nail polish or have visible tattoos (temporary or permanent).

Maintaining the integrity of our school is paramount to our Catholic Identity. Staff are committed to ensuring that all students wear their correct uniform and that the standard for which our school is known is maintained. Staff will be following up with parents should uniforms not be kept to an acceptable standard.

Download a copy of the School Uniform Policy.



The school uniform identifies the individual as belonging to the whole. It should be worn neatly, correctly and with pride, reflecting the respect that it symbolises.